CARLA – Computer based Accessible Receptive Language Assessment


Receptive Language

Language Assessment Tool helping professionals accurately record the levels of understanding of children

Design Specific

CARLA has been designed for children with a physical disability, and also has the potential to help children with sensory or attention difficulties and adults with communication disabilities.


CARLA has the potential to improve the speech and language therapy service provided to children as it will provide valuable information about the child’s level of comprehension

Time Saving

CARLA will also reduce the time assessments take for therapists who no longer have to attempt to adapt inappropriate tools for use with their individual patients


CARLA facilitates the language assessment of children with physical disabilities that cannot access standard assessments.

Developed in partnership with:

Benefits of CARLA

  • Allows a more objective and accurate profile of the receptive language of children with disabilities.
  • Motivating and fun, CARLA overcomes the barriers associated with traditional assessments enabling therapists to assess children with a range of needs.
  • A compact and complete assessment tool with automated recording which can be used with a range of clients.
  • Engages children with attention difficulties and allows adaptions for those with sensory difficulties.

Technical Features

  • Compatible with any Windows PC, laptop or tablet making it familiar to use and attractive to children.
  • Can be used with a full range of access methods such as eye gaze, mouse pointers, switch scanning and touch screen displays.
  • Visually appealing and motivating using photo images for target words. With bright graphics and sound rewards.
  • Powered by Mind Express from Jabbla.

Download CARLA For Free

Download Carla here for free 30 day trial. You can also download the CARLA documentation here. To use CARLA you must have MindExpress 5 installed first, please contact for more information.

Language Assessment

The Computer based Accessible Receptive Language Assessment (CARLA) software has been designed in response to an audit which identified that speech and language therapists found it difficult to get an accurate picture of a child’s receptive language using current tests if the child had a physical disability and couldn’t speak or point to pictures to show what they could understand.

Order CARLA Free trial for 30 days

Combine CARLA with Vibe 12

  • Big screen, easy to access
  • Combine paper and digital
  • Modeling & stimulation of speech development
Vibe 12