Vic met SCORE en de VIBE.

Vic zijn weg met OC en SCORE

Verhalen, ervaring en succesverhalen uitwisselen is steeds heel waardevol, zeker bij de start met OC (Ondersteunde Communicatie). Joke Van de Pol deelt graag de weg die zij en haar gezin hebben afgelegd met OC en SCORE vanaf het begin tot nu. Zo hoopt ze om anderen te helpen die aan het begin van die weg […]

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Bottom-up versus top-down vocabularies

Everyone has something to say, but what if you can hardly speak or not at all? You can use supportive tools, but how do you decide which communication strategy suits you best? Bottom-up or top-down vocabularies? And how do you start? In this blog, we want to talk about vocabulary or strategies in Augmentative and […]

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wishes 2021

Happy holidays!

Happy Holidays and all the best to you in the year to come! Somewhere 2020 crashed, but we are oh so ready to reboot! Come on 2021, can’t wait! The Jabbla team […]

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ME update (17 December 2020)

In this December update of Mind Express 5 you will find a number of improvements for Facebook, Skype and other adjustments. Take a look at the list below to see what has been changed. Content Amego: fixes for images in games Internet app: extension showed .be in the message box. Facebook: Shortcuts for likes […]

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Vibe 12 with PODD 60.

Vibe 12

Vibe 12 is the Vibe’s big brother. You immediately recognize some family traits such as the modern & light design and of course the second display. Just like the Vibe, it is made to be portable. To make this easier, the handle and firm rubberised case has now been built-in. Vibe 12 suits active as well as less active […]

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ME5 update (7 December 2020)

In the December update of Mind Express 5 it will be easier to download extra voices and adjust your volume. Below you can read what is new and improved thanks to this update. New You can more easily download additional voices via a link in the speech settings. There are new actions to control the volume […]

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Tips to maintain your device

Making new pagesets, new PODD files and tips to maintain your device

Much has already been said and written about corona this year. There is no doubt that we need to become more flexible with our actions. Adapted holidays, postponed projects, online meetings, … Although there’s a lot of adjustments, sometimes we gain time! Maybe you now have room in your busy schedule to finally start this […]

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Health in Mind Express 5.

October is AAC month: 4 free pagesets about difficult topics

October is awareness month for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Talking is not a given for everyone. The more possibilities and tools there are to communicate, the better. Especially when it comes to difficult topics. It is often vital to be able to discuss hard-to-talk-about or less obvious topics. That’s why we made 4 themed pagesets […]

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ME5 update (2 October 2020)

In the October update of Mind Express 5, you can open a specific page in the document from your portal. Entering your password has also become more user-friendly. Below you can read what is new and improved thanks to this update. New Before, you could link all your documents, e.g. go to your mail document […]

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User with Mind Express 5 on Vibe.

Mind Express 5

Mind Express 5 has been through a profound change where the power of Mind Express 4 has been combined with an intuitive design. Its focus is on user-friendliness. Want to have a taste of the look and feel? Check out our video below!   Despite the difficult times, we hope that an easily accessible communication […]

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Hammock in the fields by sundown.

We wish you a relaxing summer

2020 will undoubtedly go down in history. The past few months have demanded a lot from everyone. And now, all of a sudden, summer holidays are just around the corner. We hope this will be a valuable time for you. Take time for yourself and the people around you. We wish you a relaxing summer, […]

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Inform about Corona

Corona communication boards

We can’t ignore it, the coronavirus is all over the news. Everyone is talking about the bizarre situation we are in right now. However, it’s so important that we can all talk about it and that the necessary questions can be asked. That is why we have made 5 Mind Express communication boards available. You […]

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Jabbla available for questions and support requests

We remain available for questions and support. Do you have a general question, a support/remote control request? You can reach us as usual on +32 9 331 58 58, via or our contact form. Items sent by post will also be delivered to us. To avoid further expanse of the coronavirus, we do not […]

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Vibe Gold Consumer Award

Gold Consumer Award voor de Vibe

Woensdag 22 januari 2020 werden de Henry van de Velde Awards 2020 uitgereikt. We wisten eerder al dat de Vibe in de prijzen gevallen was maar sinds gisteren blijkt dat de Vibe de Gold Consumer award gewonnen heeft! We zijn heel gelukkig met deze erkenning en bedanken iedereen die op ons gestemd heeft! Mind Express […]

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NY wishes

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We wish you a happy holiday with lots of energy and happiness for 2020. Experience beautiful moments with family and friends, share a smile, be proud of your achievements, no matter how small they may be. As Vincent Van Gogh said “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” […]

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Thanksgiving & easy translations in Mind Express

Translate with the press of a button in Mind Express Do you want to make a communication board in different languages? In Mind Express you can easily translate with one press of a button. Check out the video below and get started! Thanksgiving-themed interactive learning We have made 2 page sets in Mind Express for […]

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SCORE wallpaper.

October is AAC awareness month

Several campaigns and actions are being organized worldwide to raise awareness of AAC. We would love to support #AACaware, so throughout October, we will gladly share tips and tricks on how to implement AAC in daily-life situations based on the SCORE AAC Cruise created by Speech and Language Therapists Judy King and Gillian Rumble. Cruise […]

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Hey_ with a message to go swimming later in the kitchen

How can technology help you become a better communication partner?

Your freedom and your personality start with the ability to say what you want, feel and think. Unfortunately, speaking is not an easy task for everyone. Thanks to the evolution of speech technology, more and more (diverse) solutions are possible. Although speech technology is not on the same level as spoken communication, we aim to […]

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