In this December update ( you’ll find some new features for translation, a new timer function and some improvements.
- Timer functions added in Mind Express. Set 1 or more timers. Choose view and desired time. Set colors of timer and determine action performed after countdown.
- Added search function for profiles and portal documents. Search function in portal is accessible to user. Search button can be disabled via Profile > Profile settings > Enable search function in portal.
- Support of multiple languages in 1 document. In a speech action the language can be specified. When speaking, the default voice of that language is used. The messagebox can now contain messages in different languages.
- Change of voice by the user is now saved.
- Input switching (switch 1 to 2) in scanning is now possible.
- In auditory scanning you can repeat the selection so that when the action “Read/stop content” is selected you can interrupt the reading.
- Added code to set other keys to activate wp1 and wp2 in mouse mode.
- Extra Alea calibration options added.
- New script functions: SetMessageBoxWords and ReplaceAtMessageBoxCursor,GetEyeTrackSoundOnSelection() and SetEyeTrackSoundOnSelection(bool inVal),GetShowEyesInPauseField() and SetShowEyesInPauseField(bool) .
- Refactoring of shape code in Style.
- Actions added to make text bigger/smaller in WhatsApp.
- Actions to download media in WhatsApp and Messenger added.
- Video calling works again in Messenger. From now on, you can also answer incoming video calls immediately.
- Extra logging for email and cell phone added.
- Refactoring of video plugin so that 2nd video also plays correctly.
- Corrections in grammar module for French implemented.
- Insertion of word prediction in the middle of a sentence is fixed.
- Notification window for incoming phone call is now showing again.
- After language change from ME, Print window was not displayed correctly, is now fixed.
- Problem with subfolder in portal is solved. When opening subfolder it now jumps correctly to first page in subfolder.
- Link to Spanish web help works now.
- Import of online pagesets now shows correct pagesets for Spanish and Portuguese.
- Fixed a crash during calibration with Hiru.
- Scanning in portal now works even if Skip empty cells is on.
- Python pronto code visualizer added to the domotica plugin.
- Problem with import/export of environmental control codes solved.
- Social media adjustments.
- Problem with eyemonitor when using Irisbond eyetracker is now fixed.
- Reading out decimal numbers via Vocalizer voice has been corrected in the calculator.